No... NEMO isn't leaking. That would be water from my water heater that burst. Went down into Sharon's bathroom and all the way into the garage. Ouch, this isn't going to be fun.
Today I learned when you order flowers from a florist, you can specify 'feline friendly' if the recipient has cats, that way they don't add any harmful plants to your arrangement.
Even Santa eats at the food court every now and then
Today I learned if you're out in the African bush and a lion comes up to attack, you should make one sudden and loud noise... that normally scares them off enough that they won't bother you.
The beginning of Salted caramel apple cider cookies.... new recipe, oh so good! (But what cookie is bad when it has melted caramel in the middle? Um, none)
Today I learned they make cookie sheets as big as your average oven... sweet, more cookies baked in one session!
Today I learned a female guinea pigs hip bones fuse together at 9 months old so if they get pregnant after that, they need surgery to deliver the babies. If no surgery, they will die trying to give birth.