A Picture a Day
April 29
This little guy was helping me plant my plants on the deck. Cute.
Today I learned how to edit avi files in photoshop.
April 28
Last night of bowling league... things got a little silly. Ended the season with a strike again though :o)
Today I learned the history of the REI logo.
April 27
Love Central Market and the Mill Creek town center!
Today I learned tax businesses really took a hit this year with the economy.
April 26
Kailey not wanting to get off the couch.
Today I learned Canon has changed their lenses so that new lenses can't fit older cameras.
April 25
Hang ups equipment borrowed from a friend... hopefully this will help me feel better!
Today I learned you can't just buy strawberry seeds.
April 24
My veggie seedlings....
Today I learned all about cuddle fish!
April 23
The start of the tent I built Kailey over the weekend.
Today I learned about the world of paperkraft.
April 22
Oh how I miss you stairs!
Today I learned the food bank isn't full of healthy food.
April 21
The new squirrel food box (they were going through the food in the bowl in less than 2 days)
Today I learned test result appointments are useless.
April 20
A squirrel sizing me up
Today I learned what tiger butter is.
April 19
Kailey hiding from the scary vacuum :o)
Today I learned all natural doesn't mean what you think it means in food.
April 18
The famous gum wall near pike place... cool and gross at the same time.
Today I learned about a great blueberry farm place in Auburn!!!
April 17
It was POURING at practice today!
Today I learned I can fit all my bowling equipment and my baseball gear into NEMO at the same time... tight sqeeze!
April 16
Put together my new mower... yay!
Today I learned most reel mowers only cut going forward... not backward.
April 15
Hmm... interesting little poster.
Today I learned what costochondritis is.
April 14
Beautiful sunrise this morning!
Today I learned Taco Del Mar gives out free taco's on tax day.
April 13
Ok, there's an Eagle in the picture... I just couldn't zoom in far enough!
Today I learned condo taxes are due March 15th.
April 12
Opening day for the Mariners... Oh how I've missed you Safeco Field!
Today I learned about a CERA in baseball... weird.
April 11
A short hike today and my hip still kills me. Ugh.
Today I learned what a chicken friend steak is... um, no thank you. I'll stick with my Cobb salad.
April 10
First picture is my seedlings I started today
Second picture is the awesome sunset tonight
Today I learned Mac n cheese doesn't taste very good coming back up. Gross.
April 9
NEMO getting his emissions done.
Today I learned where NEMO's OBD2 is.
April 8
Snow... really? Is this winter instead of spring?
Today I learned SI Injections HURT. A lot!
April 7
Interesting shirt.
Today I learned to always book 2 months out for Queens.
April 6
Feathered Friends... When it freezes in Hell, I'll climb there too.
Today I learned my phone acts like a GPS really well. I guess I didn't need it to tell me how to get to REI though.
April 5
Mariners first game of the season... yay.
Today I learned Quick Books isn't so quick.
April 4
Its Bailey, the Easter Pug
Today I learned how the Easter Bunny came about.
April 3
Its official :o)
Today I learned East bound trains are even numbered... West bound trains are odd numbered.
April 2
Stormy day out... but the sun made a brief appearance which made this rainbow possible.
Today I learned raspberry plants don't require another plant to cross pollinate with.
April 1
Passed this on my way to my doctors office.... If you're going in for a sleep study, remember to leave your pets at home. Funny.
Today I learned how to use the navigate feature on my phone. Awesome. (But what if I wanted to get lost?)
March 31
Yay, a new phone!
Today I learned even with a full stomach, my body HATES Vicodin.
March 30
Finally got my vinyl decal on my laptop :o)
Today I learned shooting pain down your leg is not good with spine issues.
March 29
Someone missed me!
Today I learned how to do a poor man's HDR.
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