September 26

Looking kind of stormy Seattle

September 25

I heart you voodoo

"I really want this coat but its half my rent check"

September 24

Of course the sign is not lit up when I go out late at night to take a picture of it :o)

September 23

Its that time of year again

September 22

Super harvest moon... darn clouds!!!

September 21

Installed new speakers in Bolt... the crackling of the old ones were driving me insane.

September 20

Dun dun dun dahhh (dum dum, dum dum) Dun dun dun dun daaaahhh!

September 19

Its definitely looking like fall out there!

September 18

Mmm... Burger.

September 17

My pumpkins are coming in nicely!!!!

September 16

There's a Storm brewing!

September 15

Bowling... I miss you. But I'll be back soon!

September 14

Lets go Storm!

September 13

A bee wrapped up in a spiders web

September 12

First picture is the train going into the Cascade tunnel.
Second is of Key Arena and the dramatic ending of game 1 of the championships.
Third picture was when I was in the tunnel getting my picture taken for the HP promo stuff. Couldn't get my picture with Sue though :o(

September 11

East Glacier Lodge. So pretty, but definitely less snow than last time I came by in May!

September 10

All Aboard!!!

September 9

Stitch getting his diff fluid changed... yay!

September 8

Valet parking at a doctor's office... weird.

September 7

Bought a couple of vacuum bottles at the thrift store (can't beat a dollar) and did an experiment of how long they would keep boiling water hot. I was pretty impressed by the results!

September 6

Its very nice to meet you Oliver :o)

September 5

How cute is this carving? Aww, I want my own Smokey the Bear!

At the fair and watching the pig races...
"Hopefully he doesn't pull a HAMstring"

September 4

This looks like an interesting game! Will have to try it when it comes out.

"I've waited 13 years, I can wait another 5 more hours"

September 3

Amazing sunrise this morning... man I love eating my breakfast and watching the sun come up.

September 2

STORM Basketball

"Even Chuck Norris is afraid of Lauren Jackson"

September 1

Time to cover up the grey

August 31

Kailey found a bug in the house, only problem... it wouldn't come down so she could get it. Ha.

August 30

Trying to get fat for winter