January 28

Ummmm.... ok.

Today I learned how salmon sharks catch their prey.

January 27

Bowling night... I like the form and functionality of the ball rack :o)

Today I learned Denali really doesn't have marked trails (besides near the visitors center)

January 26

Meet Frederick... Kailey is crazy about him!

Today I learned finding ink for a discontinued printer sucks.

January 25

My new PT band... its orange :o)

Today I learned aluminum foil works great as a paint protector around door knobs.

January 24

Started painting my frame collage project.

Today I learned that most donation places are closed on Sundays.

January 23

Awesome penguin!

Today I learned your tongue has four different muscle groups.

January 22

Another PT appointment this morning... lovely.

Today I learned how to throw a cutting fastball.

January 21

The current condition of the garage. Ugh.

Today I learned how to stream video live on the internet.

January 20

Gave Kailey the grass I grew for her... yum!

Today I learned how to detect moisture in your walls.

January 19

Beautiful sky this morning!

Today I learned how to make guacamole.

January 18

Had the top down today... loving the warm January weather!

Today I learned the Everett Waterfront has revamped their trail system. Yay!

January 17

Growing some grass for Kailey to eat.

Today I learned its possible to break blood vessels in your pelvic, bleed 3 liters of blood internally and still live.

January 16

The view from my deck this morning...

Today I learned if you turn over a shark, it will go into a natural trance-like state.

January 15

Kailey helping me do laundry :o)

Today I learned how to install a U Joint.

January 14

This will keep me warm!!! Love First Ascent's new stuff!

Today I learned there are over 50,000 homeless just in the great Los Angeles area.

January 13

Party plates!!!

Today I learned postscript fonts are a hassle to deal with.

January 12

The water heater is IN! Yay!!!

Today I learned water heaters have special valves that make them more energy efficient.

January 11

Installed the molding.

Today I learned how to make molding appear straight on a non straight wall.

January 10

Painting the molding that's going in the utility room.

Today I learned there are WAY too many choices for molding at Lowes!

January 9

An amazing view of Rainier on our way back!!!

Today I learned some materials slide better on snow than others.

January 8

Such a pretty view at the top!!

Today I learned I like chili lime almonds.

January 7

All my hiking and camping gear for tomorrow :o)

Today I learned I like UFO door handles.

January 6

Our lanes broke down during league tonight

Today I learned its cheaper to rent a house for vacation sometimes.

January 5

Tile all laid down and spaced out!

Today I learned you can measure a million times and cut once, but you still need to check to see if it fits first. :o)

January 4

NEMO in the tire shop getting two new front tires... one under warranty, yay!

Today I learned its possible to get blisters on your hands while trying on boots. Yes, boots.

January 3

Tile finally getting laid down... but probably will be without water for another week or so.

Today I learned why you put grooves in the thinset.

January 2

REI garage sale! Yay!

Today I learned how to install HardiBacker.

January 1

Cheesecake factory treat tonight... YUM!

Today I learned there's only three women ice road truckers that drive the Dalton Road in Alaska every year.

December 31

Even the boombox was getting into the new years spirit.

Today I learned party poppers that are 10 years old can still work.