August 2

My home :o)

August 1

Elk on the softball field

July 30

Employee appreciation dinner

July 29

July 28

Awesome camp breakfast!!!

July 27

Red Ants Pants music festival

July 26

A family's young kids decided that the stuffed animals needed to see Yellowstone too. Cute.

July 25

Lounging around all day

July 24

Flat Dumbo for my running club :o)

July 23

Mountain bluebird.. so pretty

July 22

Full moon!

July 21

An elk playing in the sprinkler :o)

July 20

Love the train :o)

July 19


July 19


July 18

Who can say they've played tennis in Yellowstone?

July 17

Part of my Firefighter Physical

July 16

New rooms at Lake Yellowstone Hotel

July 15

FUZZY antlers :o)

July 14

I look forward to seeing you every year Mr. Piano man

July 13


July 12

Double Rainbow in Missoula

July 11

Trail run and dinner at Roosevelt.

July 10

Love seeing the little elk

July 9

Pretty mango

July 8

Softball tonight

July 7


July 6

Crazy line to get into the park today!

July 4

Mammoth parade for the 4th of July

July 3


July 2

Fun with ventilation

July 1

Lazy afternoon

June 30

Mmm... salad!